G.Tec BR41N Hackathon 2023

G.Tec BR41N Hackathon 2023

This weekend 5 of our members (Carola Caivano, Matteo Allione, Matteo Gallo, Marco Casari, Michele Romani) challenged themselves by participating in the hackathon https://www.br41n.io/ organised by g.tec medical engineering GmbH.It was a formative and motivating experience that allowed us to explore the application of CNNs in the field of Brain computer interface, in particular in P300 speller challenge.The results we gained were very accurate and extremely significant and encourage us to carry out a line of research to exploit Transformer models for Causal Language generation, in order to improve the efficiency of spellers for patients who are unable to communicate autonomously. Special thanks for the support to: Pompei Student LabNPO Torino s.r.l.HPC4AI #braincomputerinterfaces#deeplearning ...
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Report from NeurIPS 2022, New Orleans, LA (USA)

Report from NeurIPS 2022, New Orleans, LA (USA)

Presentation at NeurIPS 2022, "Symmetries and Geometry in Neural Representations" Workshop (NeurReps) Workshop website | NeurIPS website Last week, some of our members went to New Orleans for the thirty-sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, one of the biggest gatherings of machine learning researchers from all over the world. Having the chance to bring part of our association to NeurIPS 2022 was a great honour for us. We took part in multiple events. Simone Azeglio and Arianna Di Bernardo co-organised with Sophia Sanborn, Nina Miolane and Christian Shewmake the wonderful Symmetry and Geometry in Neural Representations (NeurReps) workshop gathering together researchers at the intersection of geometric deep learning, applied geometry, and neuroscience (Taco Cohen, Irina Higgins and many more) to study the geometric principles underlying neural representations. Secondly, our members Luca Bottero, Francesco Calisto and Valerio Pagliarino presented their work on learning geometrical features from images through group action enforcement in the poster session (https://openreview.net/forum?id=sEn61s0M1hy).They proposed an autoencoder architecture capable of...
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MLJC project in Geometric DL accepted at NeurIPS 2022, New Orleans (USA)

MLJC project in Geometric DL accepted at NeurIPS 2022, New Orleans (USA)

We are delighted to announce that a group from MLJC including Luca Bottero, Francesco Calisto and Valerio Pagliarino will present their work at the world-leading conference NeurIPS 2022 (Neural Information Processing Systems) in the Neur-Reps (https://www.neurreps.org/) (Symmetries and Geometry in Neural Representations) workshop. The conference will take place in New Orleans, Louisiana (USA) from November, 27th to December 3rd. The project is inserted in the landscape of Geometric Deep Learning (GDL), a relatively recent branch of Machine Learning aiming at studying how to enforce geometrical structures and priors into ML models, whit the final goal of increasing performances, generalization capabilities and explainability. This specific work, titled Unsupervised Learning of Geometrical Features from Images by explicit Group Action Enforcement, has the ability of automatically disentangling the geometric rototranslational and scaling features from the intrinsic ones, when creating a latent representation of a dataset of input images. This line of research may lead in future to the development of more powerful and efficient architectures...
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Presentation of MLJC Projects for A.Y.  2022/23  10th November, Physics Dept. of the University of Turin

Presentation of MLJC Projects for A.Y. 2022/23 10th November, Physics Dept. of the University of Turin

The Machine Learning Journal Club is happy to invite you to the event "MLJC - Presentation of projects and activities for the Academic Year 2022-23". MLJC members will present the key projects and activites currently under development and they will interact with students, researchers and AI enthusiasts for extending our network and opportunities to everyone that is interested in collaborating with us. A large number of highly interactive short talks will allow people to get insight on the technical activities of MLJC in the fields of theoretical and applied Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Talks will range from Brain Computer Interfaces to ML applications in Physics to Natural Language Processing. Venue: Aula Magna, Physics Department, University of Turin, (Via Giuria 1, Torino)November 10th, from 4 p.m to 7 p.m. Save the dateOpen PDF Recordings Introduction and MedicAI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67B-AO4yuss Symmetries https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ixv3yzXZkj0 Scientific ML https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=De2eoU3wYYU ML in HEP and more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdSde8p-YVM ...
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MLJC meets the Minister of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, dr Stephan Holthoff-Pförtner

Questa mattina, 15 febbraio 2022, il Machine Learning Journal Club ha incontrato a Torino il ministro per gli Affari Federali, Europei e Internazionali della Renania settentrionale - Vestfalia Stephan dr Holthoff-Pförtner. All'incontro era presente anche il console generale a Milano dr Ingrid Jung. Il Ministro era a Torino per la firma di una Dichiarazione di Intenti per la collaborazione e lo sviluppo di relazioni amichevoli tra la Regione Piemonte e il Land tedesco della Renania settentrionale-Vestfalia sui temi dell'idrogeno, dell'intelligenza artificiale, della guida autonoma e dell'agricoltura di qualità. [1] L'incontro ha avuto come principale tema di discussione il rapporto tra intelligenza artificiale ed etica: è emerso come la collaborazione interdisciplinare tra tecnologi e umanisti sia oggi indispensabile per guidare lo sviluppo dell'AI esplorandone al massimo le potenzialità e mantenendo al centro l'uomo. All'incontro erano presenti Don Luca Peyron, giurista, teologo, docente presso l'Università di Torino del corso di "Spiritualità delle tecnologie emergenti", Faculty Fellow del Centro Nexa del Politecnico di Torino ed esperto...
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Presentation at Toolbox Coworking

Presentation at Toolbox Coworking

Siamo lieti di comunicare che Giovedì 11 Novembre alle ore 18:00 presenteremo la nostra associazione ed i progetti di ricerca attivi in un evento che si terrà presso il Toolbox Coworking (Via Agostino da Montefeltro 2, Torino).Toolbox è uno spazio ibrido di coworking che favorisce la collaborazione tra associazioni, startup ed imprese: è quindi per noi una grande opportunità poterci esprimere in questo contesto. ...
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BCI keynote at Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center

BCI keynote at Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center

La scorsa settimana siamo stati ospiti di Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center per parlare di #BCI (Brain Computer Interface).Se vi siete persi l'appuntamento potete rimediare ascoltando il nostro #podcast!“Brain Computer Interface: un nuovo futuro per le disabilità”, a cura di Gabriele Penna, Pio Raffaele Fina, Pietro Sillano, Machine Learning Journal Club- Spotify: https://lnkd.in/dGnqa5bK- Google Podcast: https://lnkd.in/dFSSawuv-Apple Podcast: https://lnkd.in/dvphwTpb- Sito di Intesa Sanpaolo: https://lnkd.in/dyBXpmT2Ancora grazie a Sonia D'Arcangelo e Marzio Alessi per averci invitati! https://open.spotify.com/episode/32nNoZoKw5anAsOVw766VO?si=y7nJs1yjQm2jLL-JwJrVAw ...
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MLJC visiting HPC4AI

MLJC visiting HPC4AI

Last week a team from MLJC visited the HPC4AI data center hosted by the Computer Science Department of the University of Turin (coord. Prof. Marco Aldinucci). We are grateful to HPC4AI for this opportunity and for providing our association with the computing power that is crucial for developing projects in the field of ML. For this reason HP4AI is not only at the forefront for computing solutions, service reliability and environmental compatibility, but as well for the opportunities targeting motivated students. Special thanks to proff. M. Aldinucci, C. Mattutino, M. Beccuti and Ing. S. Rabellino. Durante la scorsa settimana una delegazione di MLJC ha visitato il data center HPC4AI, situato presso il Dipartimento di Informatica - Università degli Studi di Torino - coord. Prof. Marco Aldinucci. Ci teniamo ad esprimere tutta la nostra gratitudine ad HPC4AI per averci dato questa opportunità e per la potenza di calcolo che mette a disposizione per le nostre attività tecniche in ambito Machine Learning. Per...
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